方舟 生存進化 畸變DLC獨有物種圖鑒及官方中文介紹


At home in the cavern’s deepest chambers, Reapers are towering, terrifying apex predators. Beyond overwhelming their prey with fangs and claws, Reapers can burrow underground to set an ambush and fire acidic projectiles from their tails.
生活在洞穴深處的異形襲掠龍(Xenomorph sp.)是碩大而恐怖的超級掠食者。除了令人不寒而慄的尖牙利爪,異形襲掠龍還能夠鑽到地底下伺機而動,並用能夠使用尾巴彈射出炙熱的酸性液體。
Yet it is their macabre method of reproduction that is their most frightening feature. Bizarrely, a female Reaper’s tail doubles as a reproductive organ, but only when piercing human survivors. Once impregnated, the survivor carries the young reaper until it bursts from their chest in a grotesque, disturbing spectacle.
If impregnated by a female Reaper, I strongly urge that the survivor kill the embryo via exposure to radiation. However, there are rumors that Reapers might imprint themselves on a survivor who possesses a Reaper pheromone gland.
This has led some mad survivors with dreams of riding on the back of a Reaper to try seeing the gestation period through to the end, but that is extremely dangerous, not to mention disgusting.

劫掠犬(Canis Barghest),學名的意思是地獄魔犬,來自英國民間傳說中的犬狀妖怪,Ravager意思接近劫掠者,為了強調這貨是犬類改動了一下名稱。

Anywhere else, Canis Barghest’s powerful muscles, wicked claws, and fearsome countenance would put it near the top of the food chain. Yet in these caves, this common, lupine predator resides somewhere in the middle. That said, it is an intelligent hunter with an exceptional ability to adapt. For example, it has learned to utilize the zip lines that survivors have built as a means of travel, all on its own. Remarkable!
要是放別的地方,劫掠犬(Canis Barghest)的強大力量,邪惡的利爪以及面目可憎的表情理應讓它成為地方一霸。但是在畸變的世界裡,這太常見了,犬形掠食者在這個世界裡最多也就在食物鏈中層。即便如此,它還是個有著非凡適應性的聰明的獵人。例如,它以及學會利用人類作為旅行工具拉建的纜線,這些都是劫掠犬所獨一無二的特點。
The strong legs of the Canis Barghest make it an effective mount for many survivors, particularly for long distance travel. While other creatures outshine it when it comes to bursts of speed, its stamina and ability to climb across both natural vines and artificial ziplines makes it a highly versatile travelling companion.

軒轅巨蟒(Serpens regulus),學名意思可以理解很多種,Serpens是巨蛇,Regulus是軒轅十四(或者獅子座α星)的意思,位於獅子座。之所以翻譯成蟒是因為我覺得它是泰坦蟒的畸變種(但是奇怪的是它和泰坦蟒共存在畸變世界)。
順帶解釋一下,方舟的泰坦蟒是方舟的獨立種,學名Titanoboa exomantur,意思是長著華麗裝飾的巨型蚺蛇,意指泰坦蟒脖子那一圈褶皺。

More than twice the size of wild Titanoboa Exomantur, Serpens Regulus is the largest and most lethal snake I’ve encountered. With a skull that’s more draconic than serpentine, it possesses a powerful bite, made even deadlier by the potent venom dripping from its fangs.
軒轅帝蟒(Serpens regulus)是我見過的最大,最致命的蛇類,甚至比飾紋泰坦蟒(Titanoboa exomantur,方舟特有倭化種)還大兩倍左右。軒轅帝蟒長著一個比蛇更像龍的腦袋,並且擁有強大的咬力和滴淌著更致命的毒液的毒牙。
The unique shape of its skull allows Serpens to hunt in a way that other snakes cannot: by burrowing. Once underground, it simply waits for its victims to approach. Fortunately its forked tail is usually still visible, poking just aboveground.
Miraculously, survivors have not only managed to tame Serpens Regulus, but ride it. Some can even stay seated while it lies in wait belowground, though I doubt it’s a pleasant experience. While a wild Serpens can only be forced out of hiding by fire or explosives, once domesticated, it is easily trained to burrow or surface on command.


晦暗岩龍(Draconis obscurum),學名意思是昏暗的龍,obscurum是obscure的拉丁化,同名物種有暗色溪花鱂Fluviphylax obscurum和暗旗鱂Aphyosemion obscurum,值得一提的是。
Draconis Obscurum is a magnificent example of a predator that has flawlessly adapted to its environment. It is surrounded by cavern walls, so it developed powerful claws with which to scale them and colorful plumage on its anterior limbs that let it glide from perch to perch.
晦暗岩龍(Draconis Obscurum)是一個眾多掠食者中的完美地適應其環境的極好例子。由於它被洞穴組成的牆壁所重重包圍,它進化出了強而有力的利爪,它的前肢還有展開的鱗片和色彩斑斕的羽毛,這能幫助它從一處滑翔到另一處。
But most dangerous of all? Its active camouflage, which lets it fade into the shadows and stalk its prey undetected.
It has even adapted to the Nameless and The Reapers. Draconis’ feathers will raise in warning when they are near, and this massive elegant lizard seems to be the Reaper’s only natural enemy.

敏捷巨螯蟹(Karkinos versatus),原型應當是現存的大名鼎鼎的甘氏巨螯蟹(Macrocheira kaempferi,所謂的日本殺人蟹),Karkinos是巨蟹座的拉丁化,versatus的意思有兩種,1,轉動(Turned),2,敏捷的,熟練的。這裡應該意指它的敏捷性。

Karkinos Versatus is the giant cousin of modern crab species, with long, spindly limbs that remind me of the Japanese Spider Crab and a hard, stony shell. It is much more agile than its smaller brethren, but even more noticeable are its pincer claws.
敏捷巨螯蟹(Karkinos versatus)是現代螃蟹種類的巨大表親,長著修長的四肢,讓人想起了甘氏巨螯蟹(Macrocheira kaempferi)和外殼堅硬的硨磲(Tridacna gigas)。敏捷巨螯蟹比它的小親戚們更加敏捷,但更引人矚目的是它的巨鉗。
In an extraordinary display of dexterity, Karkinos is able to wield each claw independently and precisely. This allows it to trap multiple targets in its vice like grip, or hold an enemy in one claw while it smashes a second foe with the other.
Many survivors have found Karkinos to be an excellent war steed, as it can snatch enemy riders from their mounts, or grab and throw smaller creatures. However, its ability to leap to great heights and its swiftness relative to its size also make it useful in caravans.

惱人追尋者(Chimaeram odiosus),Seeker意為追尋者,odiosus, 意思是惱人的 (annoying),至於Chimaeram是指一種叫奇美拉的玩意。順帶一嘴,這玩意召喚代碼中有個別名叫Pteroteuthis, 是無齒翼龍Pteranodon和托斯特巨魷Tusoteuthis的合成詞,意思大致是魷魚頭翼龍.
A highly hostile predator with a pack mentality, Chimaeram Odiosus has a voracious appetite, and will quickly swarm anything that possesses its favorite delicacy: Charge.
胃口貪婪的惱人追尋者(Chimaeram Odiosus)是一種高度敵對的群居掠食者,並且它們會迅速聚集到任何擁有它們最喜歡的食物——電荷的地方。
Fact, Charge light seems to be crucial to its survival. When in its presence, they are strong and aggressive, but without it, they are weaker and quicker to flee.
Though distinct from any known species, Chimaeram’s appearance is a hideous pastiche of bats and cephalopods, and as an unbiased professional, I have to say: I really hate these bloody things. Honestly.
For better or worse, there is no known method of taming Chimaeram Odiosus. If one must confront these creatures, remember to do so away from any charged light sources, as an empowered Chimaeram swarm can punch well above its weight class.

翻滾巨裸鼴(Heterocephalus Magnus),Heterocephalus是裸鼴鼠屬屬名,Maganus意思是大的。結合“RollRat”的名字取名翻滾巨裸鼴。
Bearing a strong resemblance to its relative, the Naked Mole Rat, Heterocephalus Magnus is a gentle giant that digs for plants and fungi with its imposing front teeth. While foraging, it often uncovers precious resources inadvertently, but survivors should claim them with caution, as this triggers an aggressive response.
與它的親戚裸鼴鼠(Heterocephalus glaber)有很多相似的地方,翻滾巨裸鼴(Heterocephalus magnus)是一個用其巨大的門齒挖掘植物和真菌的泥足巨人。在覓食的過程中,它們經常無意發現珍貴的資源,但是倖存者們應當慎重,否則會引起它的攻擊性反應。
When threatened, Heterocephalus rolls up into a ball to shield itself with the armored plates on its back, much like an armadillo. It then rolls around like an oversized bowling ball, smashing through rocks, walls, and hopefully its aggressor.
While hardly a ferocious war beast, Heterocephalus is an effective transport that can carry up to three passengers. In theory, it could also be siege weapon, as its rolling attack can dent even metal. Fortunately, most survivors use a special saddle that deploys a protective canopy when it starts spinning, which not only keeps them from getting squished, but provides extra protection to the rider and mount alike.



刻律涅小耀角鹿(Microlumins cerynitis),意思是微小(Micro)的光芒(Lumina);而Cerynitis實際上是出自希臘神話故事中,阿爾忒彌斯拉車用座駕——刻律涅牝鹿,這是一種僅有五隻,疾逾飛箭的神鹿,其中最後一隻被大力神赫拉克勒斯殺死。
Most commonly found in the upper chambers of the caverns, Microluminis Cerynitis is at once elegant and adorable. As with its relatives, it is entirely peaceful, and no threat to survivors.
刻律涅小耀角鹿(Microluminis Cerynitis)第一眼感覺既優雅而可愛,它在洞穴的上部十分常見。像它的親戚一樣,小耀角鹿是對倖存者毫無威脅的完全和平主義者。
After closer study, by which I mean very scientific bouts of cuddling, I’ve found that it shares traits with both bovids and cervids. However in the soft glow of its charge light, Microluminis Cerynitis always gave me the impression that were it larger, it would be right at home pulling Artemis’ chariot.


閃光異形七鰓鰻(Xenomyzon luminosus),Xeno-xenogenic異種的,-myzon是盲鰻的尾碼,上文在翻譯小耀角鹿的時候提到過Luminosus是lumina的拉丁化,意為光芒,閃光。
Xenomycon Luminosus is one of the most poisonous aquatic species I’ve ever encountered. While its trademark glowing tail makes it easy to spot and identify, those luminescent glands are also where it products and stores a debilitating poison.
閃光異形七鰓鰻(Xenomyzon luminosus)是我遇到過的最毒的幾種水生生物之一。它標誌性的發光尾巴讓它很容易被發現和辨認,但是這些發光腺體中生產並儲存一種會使人逐漸虛弱的毒素。
Xenomycon has developed a particular fondness for blood, and whenever possible, it will attempt to latch onto human subjects. Once it does, it injects a poison for which there are only two cures: A specialized antidote or time. I would not recommend the latter.
While Xenomycon cannot be brought to heel, some survivors have stored them in fish baskets for other uses. This keeps the subject alive and contained, but not properly tamed.

靈魂耀尾蜥(Microluminis psykhe),這裡出現了個BUG,圖鑒中的耀尾蜥竟然和小耀角鹿(Microlumins)共用了同一個屬名,作為爬行動物的耀尾蜥和哺乳動物小耀角鹿竟然是同一個屬的?作為生物學家的圖鑒作者海倫娜怕是要打回去複讀幾年咯。psykhe的意思是靈魂(soul).

With a body reminiscent of a gecko, fluttery wings and a natural stockpile of charge light, Microluminis Psykhe has an unearthly, if oddly charming appearance. A curious creature by nature, it always gave me the impression that it was studying me as much as I was studying it.
有著讓人聯想到壁虎的軀體,飄揚的翅膀和天然的電荷光儲備機制,靈魂耀尾蜥(Microluminis psykhe)有著神秘而迷人的外表。這是一個天性好奇的生物,我一直覺得它總是在研究我,就像我研究它那樣。

A favorite snack of many predators, this small lizard has no natural poisons, or any means of defending itself at all save for a swift retreat and its charge light. Survivors can approach it without fear.

As a pet, Microluminis Psykhe is happy to clamber up a survivor’s shoulder and cling to it as though it never wants to leave. Evenly tempered and easy to care for after being tamed, it is a stalwart companion and an excellent source of charge light.
作為一個寵物,靈魂耀尾蜥很樂意爬到一個人類的肩膀上,仿佛永遠都不願離開一樣。 性格溫和,易於馴服,耀尾蜥是你可靠地夥伴和絕佳的電荷光源。

報曉光羽鳥(Microluminus alectryon),屬名跟上邊提過的小耀角鹿和耀尾蜥一樣,都是“發光的小動物”的意思;alectryon是我根據原意引申出來的翻譯,原意是出自希臘神話的阿勒克特裡翁:
A floating beacon of light often found in the deepest pits of these caverns, Microluminus Alectryon’s appearance can seem almost heavenly. It’s colorful plumage doesn’t hurt either. Even without the charged light it emits, it would give any modern bird on Earth a run for its money in terms of pure spectacle.
這些浮動的光柱經常在洞穴深處被發現,報曉光羽鳥(Microluminus alectryon)給人一種神聖的感覺。它色彩斑斕的鳥羽沒有任何危害,即使沒有它散發出來的電荷光,它也能給你帶來任何地球上的鳥類給人觀賞所掙到的一樣多的錢財。
Although its feathery eyebrows might give one of the impression that it is related to owls, it is not a bird of prey. It is entirely docile, and shows no aggression towards survivors or other creatures.

Microluminus Alectryon’s ability to fly and the ease with which it perches upon a survivor’s shoulder has made it a favored pet among many. Some consider it the most refined of its glowing brethren, but I think they just want them to look like pirate. Not that I blame them…


來源:方舟生存進化吧 作者:Laughkaburra